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Control how you learn & progress

Private Learning

A complete education program starts with private lessons.

Workshop weeks

We feature a series of special workshops led by our instructors and guest trainers.

Kids, teens and adults groups

Our learners can benefit from learning with their peers, no matter their age.

Summer programs

Keep progressing even in your summer holidays though a variety of engaging art activities.

Join us for a demo

Come join Fit4living for a demo of Coach Buddy, the new coaching application!

What our learners say about us

The school has everything that I need for successful study: textbooks, daily assignments, planner, notebooks, music sheets, a staff who are very skilled, experienced, and always there to help.
Walter White
I am most grateful that my son's teacher not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for exercise and training as well. I could not have found a better place for him to learn about health. 
Trude Vinje Stormer
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Frequently asked questions

What courses will I take?

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

With us you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals in the field. We are intricately involved with education across the U.S and nordic countrys. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national workshops and congress.

How can I choose my courses?

We offer a number of different learning paths, which you are invited to read and choose the one that better meets your needs. However if you need any advice or clarifications, we are at your disposal at any time.

What if the student and teacher’s personalities don’t work well together or the student is dissatisfied with the private lessions?

We have 9 teachers so if a problem occurs – which is extremely rare – we can switch you over to one of the other teachers. If you think you may get more out of lessons from a teacher with a different teaching style, we have the flexibility to change you to another instructor.
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